In today’s Christian churches, there is a growing desire to have more followers of Jesus join and participate in small groups. These are intentional gatherings that meet regularly for the purpose of joining God’s mission.
The idea is nothing new; in Jesus’ mission here on Earth, he knew that gathering like-minded believers to share their lives was the way to grow in love for one another. Sharing meals, praying together, confessing, and talking through personal victories and failures is still the most effective way to grow in faith and love:
“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:20
Perhaps you don’t have a small group to meet with. If you’re a person who travels frequently for pleasure or business, you may never be with a group of people on a regular basis. That’s why I’d like to propose Heaven On Wheels as a virtual small group.
At the top and bottom of every Heaven On Wheels devotional you’ll find Comment Buttons. The one at top looks like this — 💬 — while the one at bottom is a square button with the word “comment” in it. This feature lets you comment on the devotional and start a conversation with others about a topic.
We can’t break bread together in a virtual small group, but we can certainly ask for prayer, offer consolation, celebrate spiritual victories, and share our lives together through online discussion. Perhaps some day in the near future Heaven On Wheels readers can find a way and a common time to start meeting face-to-face in a video call, to pray together, and give God the praise he deserves.
In the meantime, use those comment buttons frequently to strike up conversations with others.
Photo by Jack Hishmeh on Unsplash