Why are you in despair, O my soul?
Psalms 42:11 A look at depression and how faith can help to heal the soul
Photo by Francisco Gonzalez, via Unsplash
“Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, The help of my countenance and my God.”
Psalms 42:11 NASB1995
Today’s short devotional is focused on depression. It’s something we all feel from time to time; for some it is a life-disrupting, agonizing weight on our souls, while for others depression comes in the form of the occasional “blues”.
When I was seeking treatment for depression and anxiety in the early 2000s, I was not a believer. For a while, I had appointments with a psychologist who asked me in our first session if I had a belief in God. At the time, my answer was no.
Much of this conversational treatment was targeted at breaking the focus on self, the constant nagging feeling that I was the only person who felt this depressed, I was going to die, I was the only man on Earth with this much pressure and responsibility on him, nobody had ever suffered as much as I had, and things were never going to get better for me. The therapist tried her best to try to make me understand that suffering is a common human trait and many were much worse off than me, that I wasn’t alone in my depression, and that I’d get over it eventually.
At the time, this seemed like utter nonsense. In retrospect, and in light of my rebirth in Christ, the therapy made a lot of sense. First, placing one’s trust in God to find a way out of the darkness of depression and into the light of His love is a positive step to stop focusing on your problems. It can also given you the courage to seek help in the form of therapy and medication.
Second, intercessory prayer to God in the name of His Son for others who are in much worse distress than you (the sick, those who are grieving, the persecuted, the enslaved…) can make you realize that you’re helping others even when you can’t be with them, and that gives a boost to your soul.
Third, using the strength that God provides to help others who could use your support provides the uplifting understanding that you can assist people who are in even worse shape than you. And finally, studying the Word of God — the Bible — every day imprints your human mind and heart with the stories of countless others who have survived much worse situations that you ever will, through the grace of God.
Depression and its partner-in-crime anxiety affect everybody at some point in their lives. A strong faith can help tame these beasts, and praying for those who are suffering from depression and anxiety may lift your eyes from the depths of despair to the Glory of God.
Heaven On Wheels Daily Prayer:
Dear Lord, I ask that You take all those who are suffering from depression and anxiety into Your loving hands today. Please have mercy with those who suffer from these mental illnesses, and hear their cries for help. Send Your servants to these people to bring them Your light and provide encouragement and support. Place Your healing hands upon them as they struggle through each day, and grant them peaceful rest at night. Only You can heal their brokenness and the wounds in their souls. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.
Thank you!