The result is eternal life
Romans 6:22 - Eternal life is the ultimate hope and promise for all who believe, fulfilling all of the covenants and prophecies of the Old Testament, and pointing to our redemption through Jesus
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“But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.”
Romans 6:22 NIV
At this point in Paul’s epistle, the apostle is teaching the early Christian community in Rome a number of lessons. First, they are no longer dominated by sin, releasing them from guilt and shame, empowering them to live righteous lives. Second, they need to become “slaves of God,” taking on total faithfulness and servility that results in freedom and purpose for their lives. Next, as described more fully later in Galatians, the transformation in their lives should produce discernible fruit — holiness — through the lifelong process of sanctification. The goal of having a personal relationship with God is eternal life, and it is by God’s grace that their release from sin and being set on a path of living holy lives is made possible.
Slavery was a dominant institution in the Roman Empire, and Paul knew that his audience would understand just how significant freedom is. Here, rather than a freedom from physical and legal bondage as property of another person, Paul is talking about a total separation from the life-controlling bondage of sin.
In a somewhat paradoxical statement, Paul then refers to the Christians becoming “Slaves of God,” meaning that they needed to submit to God’s will and give Him their total devotion. By being freed from the guilt and shame of sin, their new servitude has honor and purpose since it aligns with God’s righteousness and His loving nature.
What could the Romans expect from a life dedicated to God? Sanctification, the process of becoming more Christ-like and set apart for the purposes of God. It’s the work of the Holy Spirit on a believer, and sanctification is (to use a modern term)“continuous process improvement”.
They would also reap the ultimate reward from their servitude to God — eternal life. What would living a life of sin “reward” them with? Death — “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). Eternal life is the ultimate hope and promise for all who believe, fulfilling all of the covenants and prophecies of the Old Testament, and pointing to our redemption through Jesus Christ.
Heaven On Wheels Daily Prayer:
Father in Heaven, thank You for breaking the power of sin in my life when I became a new creation in Christ. I also thank You that through my faith I have become a recipient of His new resurrected life. May I grow in grace and in knowledge of the Lord Jesus each and every day. AMEN.