Pray about everything
Philippians 4:6 Stop worrying! Start praying! God has always protected and provided for you, so tell Him what you need… and don’t forget to thank Him!
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”
Philippians 4:6 NLT
Later this week, Barb and I head out on another of our great adventures. Despite traveling together for almost 44 years, we both have a tendency to worry before and during our trips. Before each trip there are worries about making reservations, making sure we pack everything, planning the route, and (at this time of year) the weather. If anything, we tend to over-plan our trips, as you’ll see if you read this article on our new travel blog.
We have been blessed; in all of our travels, we’ve never encountered any major issues. There have been a few close calls, delayed flights, colds and sore throats, the occasional bout of food poisoning, rough seas, and flat tires, but God has protected us through every trial.
I’m going to keep today’s devotional short, sweet and to the point. In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he comes right out with a command to us: don’t worry about anything. By worrying, we’re telling God we don’t trust Him, and do you really think that’s a good idea?
Instead, Paul tells us to pray about everything. At this point in my faith journey, I find myself constantly asking God for guidance, protection, healing, forgiveness, provision, you name it! We’re talking about the Creator of the universe here; everything in our lives is God’s concern. He loves us and cares for us, so let’s share our lives with Him in every way, no matter how trivial it seems.
Put God in the driver’s seat. Tell Him what you need — safety, better weather, no issues with the RV… When He comes through (as he always does), thank Him for all he has done.
Heaven On Wheels Daily Prayer:
God, I tend to worry too much. Please remind me whenever I feel a twinge of anxiety to simply pray to You, as You are my protector! My prayers are full of faith that You will respond, and I will continually thank You for all You do for me. AMEN.
You are quite welcome, my friend! And thank you for the prayers while we’re on the road.
Praying for you and Barb to have safe travels, but wanted to thank you for a very much needed message for me. Thank you.