Sunday, April 10, 2022 (Palm Sunday)
“Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.”
John 7:38
Today we’re looking at a phrase associated with the Holy Trinity — living water. The words evoke a mental image of sparkling clean water that refreshes and purifies. The term was used by the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah to refer to God the Father (i.e., Jeremiah 2:13), and by the Apostle John to describe Jesus the Son (John 7:38), and the Holy Spirit (John 7:39).
Without water, we can not live. Without the living water of the Trinity, we can not flourish. Those who believe not only receive the blessing, but it flows from them as well. We receive life in abundance through Jesus, and we become the channels through which that abundance is passed to others.
Photo by Mahmud Ahsan on Unsplash