I think it’s a good idea to read and contemplate some of the more joyful verses in Scripture. Christians are supposed to be joyful, but we get dragged down by the world in just about every way. Sometimes just trying to be a better person can cast you into the deep seas of despair when you realize just how much of a sinner you are!
And then there’s trouble, the omnipresent dark cloud that shows up in the most unexpected ways and when you least expect it. Paul, in his letter to the Romans, sets out the tenets of Christian living (if you’re new to Heaven On Wheels, be sure to read Barb’s current series on Romans 8 that began August 30, 2020) and offers timeless advice:
'Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. '
Romans 12:12
Faith, hope and love are our inheritance as children of God. Although it may be difficult to constantly feel or show joy, Paul reminds us that we can rejoice in the hope of our eternal reward.
The most important part of this verse consists of the last eight words, which I try to keep in mind when trouble arrives: “Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.” Times of trouble always pass; having patience recognizes that fact. Being prayerful, we honor God with our thanks… even before the trouble is gone.