Heaven On Wheels Episode 202202
Heaven on Wheels is a podcast for recreational vehicle owners and others to inspire them to learn about and help spread the word of God through short scripture lessons. Each episode, we also provide details on how to donate your time, treasure and talent to a charitable organization near a popular camping spot.
Like the first episode (Heaven On Wheels Episode 202201), this episode is a bit longer than usual. Today we provide you with a lesson on how to share the Good News with others you meet, whether camping in your RV or just in your day to day life. It'll take some personal reflection time and preparation, but you can do it! Be sure to have a pocket gospel from the Pocket Testament League to give to those interested in learning more about Jesus.
This week, I’d like to introduce listeners to A Ray of Hope in Kalispell, Montana, not too far away from Glacier National Park. A Ray of Hope is a charitable organization operating under Biblical principles, seeking to minister the love of God in practical ways to those who need it most. Their goal? To heal the hurting and provide help foHer the hopeless, reflecting God’s goodness and expressing his love.
We'll have a website up soon with all episodes of the podcast and show notes.
Music is licensed from TunePocket.com.