“Then he sent them out to tell everyone about the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick.”
Luke 9:2 NLT
One of the things I love the most about our church (Church of the Front Range) is that we’re not afraid to ask God for healing. At our former church, if anyone even suggested that a person could be physically healed through prayer, they would be politely told “that type of thing might be written about in Acts, but it just doesn’t happen anymore.”
That’s the type of attitude I had when we first joined the church that would lead us to Church of the Front Range, but within a few months I had firsthand experience in the healing power of prayer. You can read my personal testimony here about how prayer healed a neck problem that had caused me pain my entire adult life.
That healing changed my entire outlook on belief and on how prayer DOES have the power to heal bodies and lives. I no longer scoff at testimonies of healing. Instead, I’m the one who applauds and/or cheers when I hear of someone else who has been healed through a direct appeal to God.
We have recently started attending Wednesday night small groups at our church, participating in a prayer small group. This past Wednesday was the day before Thanksgiving, and rather than our group just sharing testimonies and prayer requests, the small group leader had an “open mic” night for people from any group to share their testimonies.
It’s no surprise, at least to me, that a majority of those testimonies were about physical healing. In some cases, the healing was entirely supernatural, where a tumor disappeared or an agonizing pain went away after hands-on prayer. In others, healing from a medical procedure or therapy was accelerated by prayer, often to the amazement of the doctors and nurses on the case.
Today’s verse is from Luke, when Jesus sent out the twelve Apostles to evangelize and heal the sick. The very fact that over 2.4 billion people on this planet follow Christ today is proof enough of how effective the healing was in those critical early days of the church.
There’s no reason healing can’t be equally effective today as a tool to bring people to God. He wants to use us as His hands and feet; it’s up to us to accept that job offer and do His work.
Are you up to praying for healing? Yes, you are!
Heaven On Wheels Daily Prayer:
Dear Father, we thank you for your Son. You and the Son possess all honor, glory, wisdom, authority, and power. I offer my life to you as your humble servant, asking you to use me in any way that brings you the most glory, and that blesses your work and people. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.